Tag Archives: goals

Don’t Miss Your Big Moment!

2 Jul

The legendary band The Who remains to be one of the main images of WOODSTOCK with songs of like “My Generation” andWon’t Get Fooled Again.” They’re timeless.

But don’t miss the lesson learned from this historical weekend.

The Who, Santana, Jefferson Airplane siezed on an opportunity that others missed. On that rainy day in Woodstock, the bands were asked on short notice to be in a small documentary called “Woodstock.” No big Directors, just a few unknowns with a camera & an idea. Saying yes or no didn’t seem like a very important decision at the time—but it turned out to be the Apex of the careers for those who said “Yes!”

On the other hand, a band called The Incredible String Band, refused to go on in the rain. It turned out to be a Big Mistake! They missed their “moment” even though they performed later. As the legend of Woodstock grew, The Who by their performance & by simply being available & saying “yes” to this small film made them one of the leaders/anthems of change for generations to come! The others…what we’re they thinking? I guess they weren’t!


1. You’re either there or you’re not!

2. When confronted with opportunity–Ask yourself– could this be my “Woodstock?”

3. Remember: “Life often disguises the extraordinary in a plain wrapper.”

4. Life’s made up of “Moments and Choices.” Don’t miss yours!

The Secret to discovering Your Dream!

14 Jun

Is it possible that you once dreamed of living a “different life” from the one you’re living now but just can’t remember that “something” for which you’re so uniquely and wonderfully wired?  Today, many of us have gotten sidetracked and forgotten our “original dream.”  This memory lapse has become epidemic for both young and old. We’re so busy dealing with job, economy, school and life issues that we’ve forgotten some of the “important things” so essential to who we truly are. If that statement resonates with you-don’t despair there’s hope!


  1. I wrote a book just for you! It took me 4 1/2 years to do it! I’ts a simple read! It’s called The Power of WHO! Get it! Read it. Let it sink in! If you don’t like to read books, I also did it personally on Audio for easy download to your ipod, ipad, iphone, etc.
  2. Take a few days off by yourself and clear your thoughts. This is best accomplished in a calm, quiet, soothing environment that inspires—a place where the constant noise of the regular world is not heard. Nature does that. Go to where you get inspired–Is it a lake, a mountain, stream or a forest? Is it out on the farm, the ranch or maybe you’re like me & love the sounds of the ocean?  Take your mind back to where it all began, let go and begin to “dream out loud.” I call this a “wilderness journey.” Those of us who go discover new realities we were unaware even existed.  On this journey, ask God to remind you what you always wanted to do. Bring a pad of paper-take notes. Yes, bring some inspiring music, but Disconnect from everything else. No phones, texting, emails, computers, TV’s, no people-just you out their soul-searching!  Beware: the first day you won’t like being alone with yourself. Day two: your worried that you forgot how to listen to that still voice or that your not worthy to hear a voice.  Day three: you begin to remember…grab your note pad! This is the beginning, the reset has begun, it’s the first day of your life!
  3. But…I’m too Busy!  Bob, I don’t have time to do that? Of course you do! You just have to decide that enough is enough! Listen, if you want something you never had, you’re going to have to do some things you’ve never done! It’s only 3 days out of your life! Time away is the key. Nothing else I’ve found works. No exceptions. No excuses. It’s your life. Don’t miss the call, the purpose, destiny! The good news is –It’s just around the corner! Will you go?
  4. I had my opportunity! I missed it!  Don’t worry, you’re never too late or too early to get back on the pathway to your dreams! All I need you to do is stand up, get out of the bunker, leave the rut behind! Your current circumstances do not disqualify you from your dream. Don’t listen to that lie!
  5. I’ve lost my Self-Esteem! Great, perfect, then let’s go get it back! Because, I’m here to tell you that “You’re a treasure chest of gifts/talents!” “You’re Awesome!” “You were created for maximum performance.” “You do one thing better than anyone else in the world” and you know it deep down inside! You just need… some time away to find it! Once you know the WHO and the WHAT-you’ll never be the same.
  6. I’m going to focus on the next generationI hear that a lot!  Many people have given up on their dreams and now focus in on their children’s dreams. If thats you, the only problem is this: when you quit on your dream–they’re watching and they’ll quit on their dream!  It’s a Generational Curse. So, please… NEVER GIVE-UP! God needs you, We need you, You need you, Your kids need you!

I propose a 3 day “WHO Challenge!”  Just three days out of your life. Make that first step! Make it for you–For your legacy. Then write me when your done about your Wilderness Journey! Ill blog about it! Get ready…Life will surprise you sometimes with something so wonderful you can’t believe it.