Archive | September, 2010

Don’t View the Current Roadblock in Your Life as a Disaster. Just Take the Detour!

7 Sep

Detours take you off the main road into unfamiliar territory. Unexpected turns can disorient you unless you have the rare ability to stay alert and immediately acclimate to your new circumstances. When you hit a detour (and “hit” is the proper expression because that’s what it feels like), the first thing you need to realize is that your windshield is a whole lot bigger than your rearview mirror. You can’t get back on the old road. That road has run out. It will do you absolutely no good to dwell on the past. Order yourself, “Eyes forward!”

There are 5 rock-solid rule regarding detours that will help you tremendously while you traverse the bumpy roads of life. I want you to write them down and keep themwhere you’ll see it every day until it becomes a part of you, for it will be a very powerful ally. It’s that important. It will give you the power to maintain your equilibrium as you encounter the detours.

Power of WHO Tips:

  1. Regard the unknown as friendly and ultimately beneficial.
  2. Remember, when you come to a roadblock don’t fret-Take the detour!  Detours are not permanent. They’re not the road to your destiny. It’s a necessary but temporary side route.
  3. Perhaps there are some things you need to acquire or learn on this detour. Maybe there’s someone you need to meet who holds the key to your destiny and who will help you succeed.
  4. A detour could also mean you help someone else achieve their goals, and in the process discover some key elements you’ll need to accomplish on your own.
  5. Learn to view every problem you encounter as “an opportunity in disguise.” Don’t get angry and don’t get discouraged when you are called to a stop or pressed off the main road. Remember, the road to success is always under construction.